Bottle openerAluminium bottle and can opener with keyring.. pendants
Bimox - flashlight Item no: 27781933-TB21 Plastic flashlight with 1 LED and metal keyring. Logos engraved on body are illuminated. Including button cell batteries
Maximilian rectangular utility Item no: 7335115 Utility key for items such as radiators, meterboxes, street poles. The dimensions for the opening is a triangular shape
Price from 0,65€
Stock: 2.124 pcs.
Keyring Item no: 27761161-TB01 Metal and polyester keyring.
Timor carabiner keychain Item no: 7322097 The Timor carabiner keychain is very handy since it can be attached to a backpack. It is made of lightweight and strong
Keyring Item no: 27791544-TB05 Aluminium carabiner with metal keyring.
Price from 0,31 €
Stock: on request
Ad-Loop ® Mini keychain Item no: 7335588 Ad-Loop ® Mini is a great low cost keyring and is perfect for displaying short and snappy messages. It's available in a